Posted in Pitch Wars

Pitch Wars Wishlist 2021: Dinosaurs and blood spatter and kissing OH MY

Click here for an accessible text-only version of my wishlist

I’m SO EXCITED to be back as a Pitch Wars mentor 2021, this time in the adult and new adult categories.

Pitch Wars is a mentoring programme where experienced authors (the mentors) help unagented writers (the mentees) prepare for the publishing journey. I’ll have the honour of choosing a manuscript I love and working with the author to make it as shiny as can be before it’s presented to agents in the February 2022 showcase. For more information please visit the official site

NSFW / Trigger warnings: This post includes occasional swearing and references to plot elements including sex and violence. All images are safe for work (unless you look very closely at the erotica one…)

Punctuation warning: I seem to have kicked my em-dash addiction but swapped it for wayyy too many parentheses and exclamation marks. Also note if we email or DM, I will overuse emojis and exclamation marks to make sure I don’t sound stern!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Links to each section of my wishlist:

  1. Who am I?
  2. Genres I’m accepting and not accepting (including subgenres)
  3. Do Not Wants
  4. Random wants in any genre
  5. Contact info for questions
  6. Detailed wants and don’t wants for each genre
  7. Why submit to me?
  8. My critique style
  9. Tips for Submitting to Me
  10. My mentoring style
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